We are happy to announce

We are happy to announce, that the pigflag logo

Pigflag Logo

is now an EU wide registered design with the Office for Hamonization In the International Market, an agency of the European Union under reference number 002802017-0001.

OAMI Certificate

The sole right for this logo is held with the sponsor of this website v. Hammerstein Consult GmbH. The right for use of our logo will be admitted only for non profit, non political, non religous mattters of persons/campaigns/companies or such.

The v. Hammerstein Consult GmbH istself declares it will only use this logo in respect of the Pink Pigflag Commnity’s interests.  Any revenues made by use of the logo will solely be re-invested to futher support the Pink Pigflag Community and it’s objectives.  The company furthermore confirms it will not license the logo to others, except they declare the same.

Any other use of the Logo, especially for commercial, political or religous activities, is strictly forbidden and is protected by federal and european law.

For more information see http://oami.europa.eu

Stay tolerant, be peaceful and let a smile grow on your face!

And the winner is…

Funny Legs“! So do something cool to your legs, get a third or fourth and come and party with us. And if you don’t have an idea. Elli will be glad to get out her Epiliergerät! We look forward to you and a wonderful evening!

pigflag party starting at Tuesday 2015-06-30 8:00pm on the Caravan site

New motto needed for 2015

As we had to read from the german press, a nazi terror group called “Oldschool Society” was broken up two days ago by german authoroties. We never before heard of this group and it is our utmost concern not to be related in any way to political parties, -movements or especially extremists!

We are a group of party goers coming from almost every political direction, all over the world. As we do like to discuss politics, we distance ourselves to radikal parties or movements of any kind. Our motto is “tolerate the tolerant“.  What we will not tolerate is racism!

As the Oldschool terror group is now going throgh the german news we think the motto we chose this year is not appropriate anymore.

A new Motto will be posted by the end of the week. Please be patient and feel free to send me a mail with suggestions.

We start one day earlier in 2015? Goodby Wednesday?

In the beginning of September 2014 Roskilde Festival officially Posted, the Festival will start a day earlier. What a bummer! Concerts starting on Wednesday and having to get up early on Sunday at least for the editor isn’t a very nice option.

So, if there’s music on stage Wednesday we may have to move our pigflag party,  maybe to Tuesday, Monday or where?

Then of course it could conflict with other partys like the one  at Camp Vienna/Camp Senior. We will do our best to get rearranged together so that you can at least enjoy both partys with all of us!

Stay tuned for more Info’s coming before Roskilde 2015!

2014 Thank you!

Thanks again for such a nice party and festival week! Without you we wouldn’t come to roskilde, cause it’s allway more than music which draws us up to the north! Mainly being you and youre friends!
Party Goers

2014 new site, new motto

Welcome Party Goers,

you’ve surely been desperately waiting on this year’s motto! We’ve gone through loads of research, study, inquisition, clarification,  drinking, purification, web programming, boozing, smoking and customizing and this is what came out:

Black and White on Caravan Site

get dressed up as you like, but we’d love to see you in white, black and vice versa. It’s all about opposites and sames, under or over, full or empty.  so if you join us you’ll be happy, if not we’ll be sad! Come to the party:

Pigflag Party at Roskilde Festival 2014
on caravan campsite
Wednesday 2014-07-02 8:00 p.m.

look for the pink pigflag!
The real one and (almost) only pigflag
The real one and (almost) only pigflag

2013 Thank you!

Thanks for such a colorful party 2014! It was so nice to see you all in fancy colors having fun partying with us. We are so much looking forward to next year’s party and hope to see you there again. The new motto will follow soon.