We are happy to announce, that the pigflag logo

is now an EU wide registered design with the Office for Hamonization In the International Market, an agency of the European Union under reference number 002802017-0001.

The sole right for this logo is held with the sponsor of this website v. Hammerstein Consult GmbH. The right for use of our logo will be admitted only for non profit, non political, non religous mattters of persons/campaigns/companies or such.
The v. Hammerstein Consult GmbH istself declares it will only use this logo in respect of the Pink Pigflag Commnity’s interests. Any revenues made by use of the logo will solely be re-invested to futher support the Pink Pigflag Community and it’s objectives. The company furthermore confirms it will not license the logo to others, except they declare the same.
Any other use of the Logo, especially for commercial, political or religous activities, is strictly forbidden and is protected by federal and european law.
For more information see http://oami.europa.eu
Stay tolerant, be peaceful and let a smile grow on your face!